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人类面临的问题(Man Is to Survive)
 更新时间:2024-04-26 05:42:15

man is finding himslf confrontd with mor and mor problms which thratn his xistnc on this plant. for xampl, som rsourcs ar bginning to b xhaustd. many disass ar gtting difficult to b curd. various kinds of pollution ar bcoming wors and wors. morovr, population xplosion is always on th ris...thrfor, thr coms th problm: will man surviv ths problms?facd with so many problms, pssimists hold that man is dstind to di out. thir rasons ar as follows. with population xplosion, food will b scarc; spac will shrink; rsourcs will b usd up. morovr, pollution will thratn our halth; incurabl disass will ndangr our livs... obviously, man has only on way out——complt dstruction.admittdly, ths popl hav thir rasons to think in this way, but i don't think thy ar altogthr right. i bliv that man is bound to ovrcom ths difficultis and surviv a into th futur bcaus man is ndowd with wisdom. with this wisdom, h cam up with solutions to problms h cam across in th past. with this wisdom, h will surly work out solutions to th problms which will aris in th futur.

人类面临的问题(Man Is to Survive)


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